October 4, 2016 | By RGR Marketing Blog

The Sun in Fall Falls Mainly on the Solar Panels

Buy Solar LeadsDuring the summer, we get plenty of reminders of just how much energy the sun bestows upon our little blue orb of a planet. Sunny days at the park, the beach, and the stadium have a way of making people think about going solar.

Perhaps that’s the reason that summertime is one of the most popular times to install solar arrays. But the fact is – fall is just as good a time to go solar. In many ways, it’s an even better time to install a shiny, new solar array.

When your clients ask if they should wait until summertime to purchase a photovoltaic system, you can helpfully inform them that they’re better off doing it this fall. Here are some of the best reasons why.

Go Solar in Fall to Get Your Tax Credit Sooner

The federal solar investment tax credit covers up to 30% of the cost of qualified solar installations. It can be taken at the end of the year when the solar array has been installed. Fall is near the end of the tax year. Thus, customers who go solar during the fall won’t have to wait as long to claim their tax credits, which makes going solar less of a cash-flow burden.

Solar Arrays Take Time to Install

More than a month can pass between when a customer signs on the dotted line to the time their solar array is actually placed into service. For those who decide to install during the summer, that means missing a substantial portion of prime solar generation season. Installing solar this fall virtually guarantees that the array will be installed, configured, and ready to take full advantage of all that sunshine next spring and summer.

Don’t Worry About the Weather When Installing Solar

If you were replacing your whole roof, then you’d probably be wise to schedule the work for the warmer months. But installing a new solar array won’t leave a home exposed to the weather like a bare (or missing) roof will. Solar installations are relatively simple, and many solar installation crews actually prefer to work during cooler weather. As long as there’s no ice on the roof, solar can be installed.

Fall Solar Installations Go to the Front of the Line

Solar energy is becoming a very popular home improvement, and during the summer when demand is high, new solar customers may find themselves waiting in line to have their solar panels installed. Fall is generally not as busy, so opting for a fall solar installation may reduce wait times for your solar customers.

Solar Is More Efficient in Cool Weather

For those who live in desert climates, fall solar installations are ideal because solar arrays actually function more efficiently in cooler weather. There may not be as much sunshine to collect, but cool weather helps solar arrays make more electricity with less sunshine.

Now Is Always the Best Time to Go Solar

When should your customers go solar? As soon as possible, naturally! But as you’ve read, a strong case can be made for fall being the ideal window of opportunity. Don’t let seasonal fluctuations in business stop you from converting your solar leads – show them why fall is the best time to make the leap to clean, renewable, solar power.

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