August 25, 2015 | By RGR Marketing Blog

Solarize: A Grassroots Effort

If you follow the news on renewable energy, then you’ve probably heard about solarize campaigns. What are they? And perhaps more importantly, what could they mean for your solar business?

Solarize campaigns are part of a grassroots push aimed at making solar energy affordable through collective purchasing agreements.

Here’s how they work:

  1. A small collective of residents pools resources to purchase solar systems
  2. Volume discounts are negotiated with solar installers and manufacturers
  3. An array of financing options are made available to participants
  4. The solar arrays are purchased and installed

Of course, that’s a slightly simplified version. Solarize initiatives typically also involve the participation of local nonprofits, city government officials, neighborhood organizations, tech consultants, and the electric utility.

Leave It to Portland

Portland, Oregon has something of a reputation as a haven for forward-thinking citizens, so it should come as no surprise that the first solarize campaign took place there. When all was said and done, the homeowners who participated in the program were able to have solar installed for the very affordable sum of about $2,000. That’s an extremely respectable savings, being as pre-program costs averaged around $27,000 for a residential solar install.

Inspired by the success of Solarize Portland, others places have followed suit. Solarize Massachusetts resulted in the installation of more than 16 megawatts of solar production capacity. Solarize Connecticut saw an overall increase of 2.2 megawatts.

Charlotte, North Carolina, and Salt Lake City Utah, and the states of California and Washington are among the many others who have created solarize initiatives of their own.

As affordability has long been a barrier for many would-be solar adopters, solarize initiatives have the potential to bring solar energy to the masses in a big way. Discounted solar installations and equipment are great for consumers, but what’s in it for solar installers?

An Exclusive Deal for Solar Installers

Providing solar installations at a discounted rate might not seem like the best move for solar installers, but participating in Solarize initiatives has several advantages.

Installers are selected through a competitive bidding process. The winning installer or installers are used exclusively for the duration of the solarize initiative.

Solar installers know that acquiring leads and tuning them into actual clients can be a costly and arduous process. By participating in a solarize initiative, a solar installer can gain access to a large number of qualified, educated clients.

And because solarize initiatives are time-sensitive, they spur action on the part of fence-sitters, and make customers of those who may not have otherwise made the leap to solar energy.

Plus, participating in grassroots movements designed to make clean, green solar energy available to everyone is great for your solar business’s image. Getting involved with a Solarize initiative shows members of your community that you’re a true believer in the power and potential of solar energy, and that you’re willing to compromise if it means bringing solar to those who might not otherwise be able to afford it. Oh, and all those solar yard signs certainly won’t hurt your brand exposure.

Spread the Sunshine

If you’re in the solar business, you may want to keep an eye out for solarize initiatives taking shape near you. They’re a great way to spread the word about solar, and they make clean energy available to those who might not otherwise be able to afford it.

[Photo Via: Green Ideal]

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