August 12, 2014 | By RGR Marketing Blog

In the Solar Power Industry? You Better Be Using Social Media!

Facebook has recently been making waves in the marketing arena by dramatically curtailing marketers’ organic reach. At one point, all of a business’s followers would have a chance to see its posts, simply by virtue of following them – but that’s no longer the case.

In an effort to provide users with what it calls a “meaningful experience” while using the site, Facebook currently allows only about 6% of a company’s followers to see any given post. From a customer satisfaction standpoint, it makes a certain amount of sense. In recent years, the proliferation of social media marketing has been staggering, and few of Facebook’s users would want their entire feeds to be filled with marketing ploys or messages, likely crowding out equally or more important updates from friends and family.

However, paid marketing allows marketers to bypass Facebook’s reach-limiting algorithms. By paying to promote a post, businesses can guarantee that a much higher percentage of their followers, and many non-followers too, will see their posts.

Facebook’s paid marketing program can be an effective way to market your solar business, but is it the only way to go about it? In a phrase – not by a long shot.

Marketing Your Solar Installation Business? Start by Creating Content That’s Worth Sharing

When using social media to market your solar business, or any business for that matter, content is king. But some businesses misinterpret what that means. Solar businesses should be very selective when sharing content. In general, the content they share should aim to make an emotional connection, to make the audience’s life easier in some way, or to educate them in an entertaining way.

An infographic showing amazing facts about solar energy’s capacity to power the world might be considered share-worthy, whereas a stiff, pedantic research paper would probably be met with little enthusiasm. When creating or sourcing content for your solar business to share, aim for adjectives like funny, enlightening, amazing, heartwarming, and to-the-point.

Make Sure Your Solar Business Gets Involved

To you, your solar business is the star of the show, but most of your potential clients are more interested in solar power as a concept than the specifics of your company. Getting involved in conversations about trending topics related to renewable energy will help get your business’s name out there, establishing brand awareness in the process.

Become a Thought Leader in the Solar Power Vertical

As a solar installer, you’re an expert in your field. You possess a wealth of specialized knowledge, and to your potential clients, that knowledge has value. Why not start a blog that is designed to answer questions about renewable energy, solar technology, the solar installation process, and other related topics, and then share those posts via social media.

You’ll be establishing your business’s reputation as a trusted leader in the field – just the sort of business your prospects will turn to when they’re ready to install solar systems of their own.

Marketing a Solar Energy Company? Focus Your Efforts

You’re in the solar business, so you know a few things about your target market. They tend to be concerned about the environment, but they’re also interested in saving money. They’re the types of people who plan ahead, and they don’t mind making investments that will take some time to pay off. They tend to be early adopters – influencers in their social circles and communities.

If you’re particularly astute, then you’ve probably gleaned even more information from your interactions with them, such as the publications they read, the types of recreation they enjoy, and how they spend their disposable income. You can use all of this information to focus your social media marketing efforts to reach the most promising prospects. You can also use it to tailor your social media messaging, making it appear as even more credible to its intended audience.

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