October 9, 2018 | By RGR Marketing Blog

Tips for Bringing Your Solar Marketing Into the Digital Age

Every day, your solar company installs innovative equipment that is at the forefront of technology. But, if you’re relying on old and outdated ways of marketing your business, then you’re not keeping your business in sync with what you do on the daily. In other words, it makes no sense. You should be tapping into technology and taking advantage of what it has to offer to improve your marketing reach, customer relationships, and sales conversions.

The digital age has brought us a lot of things to make our lives easier and more convenient, and this is nowhere more evident than in the ways companies can market themselves to consumers. Digital marketing is easy, cheap, and immediate. If you want to succeed in today’s solar industry, you need to be using it.

If you’re unsure how to adopt digital marketing, here are some easy ways to bring your company’s marketing efforts up to speed.

Start a Solar Blog

Great content attracts readers. And, since solar is such a hot topic, there are millions of people out there trying to learn more about it. Starting a solar blog and posting credible and relevant content on a regular basis will help get you noticed and eventually considered an expert in the field. Keep SEO in mind so Google picks it up and use the blog to nudge visitors to your company website.

Create Videos

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, and video is quickly becoming the most important media for reaching customers and building audiences. Creating videos (that you can also share on your blog) for your company’s YouTube channel is a great way to showcase your business, share customer satisfaction stories, display how solar works, how solar is installed, and more!

The trick is to post a new video on a regular basis. This is a free way to gain followers, and if you monetize your videos, you might even start earning income from them.

Social Media Marketing

Your business should have at least one or two social media platforms, so you can interact with your audience quickly and easily. Social media is an excellent way to introduce new products or sales, and because they’re public platforms, every post or response serves as a way to boost your brand image and priorities.

Email Marketing

The best way to use email marketing is to direct the emails to those on a verified target customer list. Your emails should be informative with links to your website embedded. Email marketing is also an effective way to keep in touch with existing customers. For instance, it’s an easy way to remind them of their scheduled maintenance needs.

Paid Search

Paid search works, you just have to be committed to the process as it can take some time before the investment pays off. But, once it starts working, the investment is more than worth it. Paid search involves buying advertising through Google, Facebook, or other providers, so when web surfers type your keyword into the search bar, your ad will show up above the organic search results at the top of the page.

Everything Should Direct Traffic to Your Solar Website

All your digital marketing efforts should be designed to accomplish one thing – direct traffic to your website. When you can attract more unique visitors to your site, you will start collecting data and building your own verified lists.

This is a critical piece because then you can start the process of moving your visitors further into your sales funnel. And if you’re ready to improve your business’s ROI now as we head deeper into the fall, it may be time to buy high quality solar leads– get in touch with RGR today, and find out how.

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