How to Get Solid Lead Production Out of Your Solar Content
Unless you are blogging for the sheer joy of it, publishing the latest news about your solar business on your website in the hopes that people will read it for its sheer entertainment value, you probably want to make sure that your blog is helping to produce solar leads as a part of your overall marketing strategy.
In order to do this though, you have to put in the time to build your audience, consistently producing and sharing quality content that engages your former, current, and prospective customers. And this engagement must happen in a way that gets your audience to act. This could be through sharing your content with their friends, family and followers, or by getting them to click through to your website, effectively putting themselves into your sales funnel.
Unfortunately, many solar business owners new to the world of digital and content marketing look at their blog as a chore that has a nebulous impact on the flow of inbound leads. This is a mistake, because when done right, your solar sales blog can be one of the best ways for you to build community around your brand while filling your sales funnel – and most importantly, it’s practically free.
With Solar Blogging, Consistency Matters
The hardest part for most solar business owners will be consistently setting aside the time to produce good, original content that will appeal to their customer base. For others, the hardest part will be generating the solar content.
For them, the best solution may lie in hiring a professional marketer to generate and manage content for you. The position of thought leader within your market is not one that comes easy. Consistently generating, posting, and sharing original content – content that won’t be filtered out by search engine algorithms for being too much like all the other content out there – is the key.
Building Your Solar Blog’s Audience
Building your solar blog’s audience is where blogging meets the community building that you’re already using social media and physical community networking to accomplish. Use your social media channels and your email newsletter (together with other solar marketing efforts) to broadcast abbreviated versions of your solar blog posts. Make the full article only available for those who click through to your website.
Converting Readers Into New Solar Leads
Once your readers have taken action and have clicked through to your solar installation website, give them other tasks to do or reward them with special offers for newsletter subscribers only, or enlist their help in signature gathering for legislation that positively impacts your brand position.
Whatever you do, get them invested in what you are doing as a solar brand and as a company, by getting them to take action. With their permission, you have now converted them from a reader into a brand evangelist or potential solar customer.
With Solar Marketing, Strong Content Is Key
Again, if you are at all worried about your ability to generate quality solar content or, looking at your schedule, you just don’t honestly know when you will find the time to be consistent in your posting and sharing of the content you could generate, you may want to bring in a professional. Regardless, quality, along with consistency and driving action, are your keys to generating quality solar leads from your work on your blog.
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