Getting Ready to Generate More Solar Leads in 2022
Generating leads isn’t something that most solar installers take into consideration when they enter the field, but if you want to keep your crew working, it’s something that you will need to get familiar with. Successful solar lead generation is essential for keeping your sales funnel filled with prospects because most people do not make an instant decision to go solar.
After all, it’s a big change from what they’re used to and it’s an investment, so most customers need to be nurtured and educated about everything solar has to offer before they’ll make the commitment.
With 2021 in the rear-view mirror, now is the time for you to start planning your lead generation strategy for the new year. Here are some solar lead generation methods that you might want to add to your campaign sooner than later.
Get on Instagram
Instagram is a predominantly visual social media platform. This makes it incredibly effective for sharing before and after photos, photos of projects in progress, company photos, customer testimonials, infographics detailing solar’s benefits, and much more. It’s a highly effective way to reach your audience and showcase your company and the work you do. Of course, to get the most out of Instagram, make sure you use strategic hashtags and monitor the reach of your posts to narrow down the best possible time to share your posts.
Use SMS Marketing
Email is considered the gold standard for digital marketers because studies say that 20% of marketing emails get opened and read by their recipients. While that number might seem low, it’s actually pretty good in the world of marketing. But what if you could have your message read by 98% of your contacts? That’s exactly the type of result SMS marketing offers because people are just more likely to open a text than an email that they might otherwise consider spam.
Start a Facebook Group
Facebook makes it easy to create groups where people can gather and discuss just about any subject out there. With so many people interested in solar, why not create a group for homeowners who are interested in learning more about solar? You can build your audience and provide them with valuable information that can help them make their decision. Do it well and you will gradually be considered a trusted leader in the industry and your business will grow as a result.
Prioritize Content Marketing
Content marketing is a long-term lead gen strategy, so the sooner you start it, the better off you’ll be. This is one of the most affordable ways to attract leads because it involves using things like social media, your blog, and website to generate interest in your brand, and according to HubSpot, content marketing can provide you with 54% more leads than using traditional paid marketing.
Purchase Solar Leads
Generating solar leads is crucial for any solar company that wants to not just grow, but keep their business doors open. Unfortunately, it can take time before all your lead gen efforts start paying off with high quality solar leads. The best way to ensure you have a steady supply of valid prospects to pursue is to purchase your leads from a reputable third-party provider. At RGR Marketing, we have more than 20 years’ experience providing solar leads to professionals in the industry.
We specialize in providing highly detailed, real-time solar leads that have been scrubbed and validated, so your team doesn’t have to waste time following dead, inaccurate, or incomplete leads.
RGR Marketing is the lead generation company today’s top solar installers trust most. Find out for yourself why our targeted leads make the difference and how we can help you get 2022 off to a great start.
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