February 2, 2018 | By RGR Marketing Blog

Attract More Commercial Solar Clients by Easing Their Concerns

While stories of major corporations embracing solar technology are commonplace these days, smaller organizations remain hesitant to invest in solar due to the market being relatively new, complex, and alien to the them. The recent tariffs placed on solar panels by the Trump administration certainly doesn’t help solar’s image in the minds of many business leaders.

So, how can these obstacles be overcome so you can grow the commercial side of your solar installation business?

The key is to answer potential commercial client questions and concerns honestly and in a straightforward way, so your prospects can gain a better understanding about solar’s value as an investment. Here are some important questions and talking points to help you calm your commercial prospect’s fears and concerns about solar.

How Much Can a Business Save by Going Solar?

To a business, it’s all about the bottom line. So be prepared – can solar actually help them save money? The answer is simple – yes, solar will help save an organization money; a lot of money. According to EnergySage.com, businesses with solar panels offset their electricity use by 75.3%. On average, a business’s electricity bill is reduced from $1,950 to just $517, a monthly savings of $1,433!

Aren’t Solar Panel Systems Expensive?

Like any major installation, there is an upfront expense that a business will have to cover. The amount a business will have to pay for parts and labor is determined by the size and scope of the project. But, EnergySage also reports that businesses generally pay off their solar panels within 3 to 7 years and a business can enjoy free, clean electricity for the life of their solar investment, which currently averages between 25 and 35 years!

Are There Alternatives to Investing in a Solar Installation?

Yes. A business can enjoy the money-saving benefits of going solar without investing in an installation. This can be accomplished through a Solar Power Purchase Agreement (SPPA). With this arrangement, a third-party solar provider owns, operates, and maintains the solar system, which is installed on the customer’s property.

The customer purchases the electricity that’s produced from the system from the solar services provider. The SPPA is typically set for a predetermined period.

With this type of arrangement, the customer can receive stable, affordable electricity, while the solar provider enjoys the financial benefits of solar, including any tax credits and income generated from the sale of electricity.

Can a Business Receive a Tax Credit by Going Solar?

Businesses that invest in solar are eligible for federal tax credits equal to 30% of the cost of their systems. Depending on the state where the business operates, there may also be state tax credits available.

If the state, municipality, utility company, or other organization in the business’s area is promoting the use of solar, then there may even be cash rebates available that can help a business save between 10% and 20% more on their installation.

Additionally, a business is able to write off another 30% of the net system cost on their taxes through the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS).

How Else Can a Business Benefit From Solar?

While saving money is the obvious benefit, a business can also enjoy other benefits from going solar. For one, going solar shows customers that the business is committed to sustainability. This not only attracts environmentally minded customers, but it also makes a business more attractive to other companies looking to partner with like-minded businesses.

The same can be said about attracting top talent. Many top job candidates prefer to work for companies that are progressive and committed to sustainability. By meeting these qualities, a business will be more likely to have employees who are happier, more satisfied, and more deeply invested in the organization’s message. A business that partners with a local solar installation company is also one that supports its local economy, thus helping to create high-quality, good-paying jobs within the community.

With so many benefits, there is literally no downside for a business going solar. It just makes smart financial sense, especially with fuel costs on the rise due to the current administration’s promotion of coal-fueled energy. As a result, there’s never been a better time for businesses to accept and adopt the next generation of clean and reliable energy.

If your business is ready to make an entry into the commercial solar market, RGR Marketing can help. Get in touch with a representative today, and learn how to properly buy and take advantage of high quality solar leads to grow your bottom line.

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