There’s a Difference Between Catchy and Clickbait Mortgage Headlines
The speed and sheer size of the Internet has caused most Americans to become “content skimmers.” These days, it’s highly likely that most people won’t read a blog post or an online article unless it has a catchy headline to lure them in. After all, that’s the basic requirement of any headline, online or otherwise.
But in an age where many focus solely on attracting views to their online content, it has become commonplace to use headlines that have little or nothing to do with the actual content of the post. This type of headline is called “clickbait,” because it is baiting visitors to read the content.
While there is no doubt that clickbait headlines are catchy, there’s a fine line between the two that you don’t want to cross if you are a mortgage company.
Pros of Using Catchy Headlines for Mortgage Blogs
The main purpose of your blog post is for your visitors to read it, so they can walk away with information that they might find useful or even valuable. But let’s be honest, the mortgage business isn’t exactly exciting for those not in the industry, so attracting readers can be challenging.
This is where creative, catchy headlines work best. A catchy headline can grab your readers’ eyeballs and garner their attention to read the rest of the article. To be successful, the headline needs to make a promise to the reader, and the content of the article needs to deliver on the promise.
An example of this would be – The 5 Best Ways to Lower Your Mortgage Interest.
The headline grabs the attention and tells the reader exactly what they will find out by reading the article. Also strengthening it is the fact that lowering one’s interest rate is a topic that many want to know about.
This headline is also ideal for sharing on social media because it is short and succinct. Nothing is hidden, and it says exactly what the reader will learn.
Using a catchy headline like the one above will help gain your blog readers, who, once provided with the promised information, will start looking at your blog as a resource of valuable information. The next time they want to find something out about mortgages, they will be more likely to visit your blog and perhaps even become loyal readers.
The Cons of Using Catchy Headlines for Mortgage Blogs
The mortgage industry is one that is built on trust. Mortgage borrowers need to trust that the companies they work with are legitimate and have their best interests in mind. One of the easiest ways to break that level of trust is by tricking your blog visitors into reading your posts by using clickbait headlines. In these cases, the article itself doesn’t deliver on the headline.
Clickbait is rampant online and even though it works, most people do not like it and will avoid the sites that use it thereafter. As a result, this is a terrible formula if your aim is to gain readers.
A common example of clickbait headlines is – You Won’t Believe What Happened When This Homeowner Did This!
The headline is usually combined with a visually arresting photo that has nothing at all to do with the content that follows. Taking this approach is a betrayal of trust and it will cause your readers to look at your mortgage company with apprehension. After all, if you’re willing to trick them into reading a blog post, what does that say about the rest of your business practices?
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