Keeping the Solar Leads Pipeline From Freezing Up When the Mercury Drops
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.” - Albert Camus
You don’t have to be a French philosopher to dig deep within yourself, or your marketing team, to find your own invincible summer during the offseason. It’s soon to be winter. Thanks to the weather and other factors, installations will likely be down. Folks will be more concerned with the approaching holidays than they will with their heating bills, their carbon footprint, and next summer’s AC-driven electric bills.
It might be foolhardy to throw your marketing efforts into a campaign launched during the holidays. But the holidays are over before winter really sets in, and there are months of high heating bills to come, followed by tax season and the busiest solar sales period of all to follow.
Spend the late fall and early winter getting ready for your invincible summer by putting together a stellar solar marketing campaign that hits customers where it matters in the rest of winter. Here’s how.
Re-Qualify Old Solar Leads While the Bills Are High
Many consumers haven’t been paying attention to the advances that the solar industry has made over the last few decades. As a result, they may not realize how effective contemporary solar power generation systems are when the sun sinks in the sky and the bad weather hits.
As a result, many consumers don’t realize how much they could save on their winter energy bills by installing solar. Be prepared with evidence specific to your region. This is also a great time to revisit leads that didn’t pan out the first time.
Take Advantage of The Natural Need to Do Better in the New Year
Following the New Year holiday, people naturally want to do better. They make resolutions, many of which they do not stick with. Reducing one’s carbon footprint, these days, is a common goal or New Years resolution. If you can sell them on solar in the weeks following the New Year, it will lock them into one resolution that they can’t back out of through inertia.
Solar Installers: Prepare for Spring and the Return of the Sun
Spring is just around the corner, and many consumers naturally think about solar power when they notice that the sun is finally making its return to the Northern Hemisphere. Plus, spring is also tax season, which represents a great opportunity to both remind potential customers of the tax incentives available to those installing a home solar system, and to capture income tax returns as a means of funding a solar power system.
Keeping the Ice Off Your Solar Installation Business May Be Easier Than You Think
“You’re either growing or you’re failing” is another oft-repeated cliché in business, but it does hold a kernel of truth, even in the world of solar. Solar installation businesses that rest on their laurels, even seasonal businesses that rest in their downtime, are far less successful than seasonal businesses that use the down time to prepare and stockpile for the return of better times.
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