Keeping the Sales Pipeline Flowing Through the Cold Season
Winter is nearly here, and with winter comes the seasonal holidays and the unfortunate slump in your solar sales. Or that’s how the conventional wisdom goes, anyway. But what if the conventional wisdom doesn’t hold for your company this winter? What if you could put together a marketing plan that capitalizes on the season rather than writing it off?
Avoiding the holiday slump in the world of residential and commercial solar sales can be as simple as crafting and executing a flawless winter marketing plan. But what would go into such a plan? Don’t let your potential customers who may be shelling out their hard earned coin on seasonal gifts deter you from making your solar sales goals a reality! In this post, we’ll identify unique ways you can capitalize on the season to sell solar even when the sun isn’t shining.
Putting the Holidays to Work for Your Solar Installation Company
The holidays are an excellent time to redouble your solar marketing efforts. After all, people are getting hit with their highest utility bills of the year. Between holiday decorations and outdoor lights, shorter and darker days, and a need for more heat, electric bills are at their highest point for the year. All that extra utility spend makes for lighter wallets when most folks want to be spending money on gifts and travel.
Making the case for the value proposition of solar while your potential customers are feeling their wallets being squeezed is a great marketing play. This is especially true if you can tie your marketing efforts to low-cost or no money down installation. Make this the last year that winter means high utility bills. Between the tax savings and the lower energy bills, your prospects will have loads more cash to spend on their loved ones next year!
Also, the holidays are one of the best times of the year to affirm your existing relationships with your already happy customers. Utilize their goodwill toward your solar company to expand your reach through word of mouth. Word of mouth is, as you may know, the single most trusted form of advertising you can enjoy. Thank your past customers and get them spreading your message for you with holiday or winter themed content they can easily share on social media.
When the Sun Doesn’t Shine, Sell Solar
Just because the sun isn’t shining doesn’t mean it’s a poor time to sell solar or to market solar panel systems. This simply isn’t the case. Your potential customers may not realize that solar works just as well (or nearly as well) in the winter as it does in the summer in most areas. With that in mind, this winter represents a great opportunity to educate them about how much solar technology has advanced, while getting them into your sales funnel.
Finding the Right Leads to Grow Your Solar Business This Winter
Putting the winter season to work for your solar business is as simple as leveraging the holidays and your existing customers, while spreading the good news about solar energy. In fact, there’s no better time to double down on your marketing efforts than during the shortest, darkest, coldest, and most expensive days of the year.
Getting out in front of the winter season may not be the easiest task to accomplish, but suffering a winter slump is entirely up to you. If you think you might need a little help finding the leads you need to drive in the best winter season ever, consider purchasing solar leads from a reputable lead broker like RGR Marketing today.
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