How Many Solar Panels Do I Need? Here's How to Answer Your Clients
Meeting your clients’ needs is one of the most important parts of being a successful solar installer. And your journey to client satisfaction begins by helping them choose the right size and type of solar system for their home.
Much like the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, matching your client with their ideal solar system boils down to finding the one that’s sized “just right.” The last thing you want to have happen is for your client’s system to be sized too small or too large. The former won’t meet their energy consumption needs, while the latter will cost considerably more than what’s necessary – and both will likely result in an unhappy customer.
Here is how you can help your clients determine how many solar panels they will need, so their finished solar project provides them with all the benefits they’re expecting from going solar.
#1: Find Out How Many KiloWatt-Hours the Client Uses Every Month
Before you can determine how many solar panels the client will need, you will need to know how much energy they regularly consume every month. This information can be found on their electric bill in the form of KiloWatt-Hours (kWh) used. But because most homes consume more or less energy during certain times of year, having access to 12 months of bills is even better – this will give you a full year to review.
Another option for calculating their energy use is to use an online load calculator like the one available from UnboundSolar.com. This type of calculator requires you to input individual appliances, their wattages, and approximately how many hours per day they are used. Once everything is input, it will tell you the home’s total watts (peak load), total watt hours per day, and total Kilo-Watt Hours per month.
#2: Calculate the Home’s Sunshine Hours
For solar panels to work at peak efficiency, they need an abundance of sunshine. But not all parts of the United States receive the same amount of sunshine. To ensure your client gets the best results from their solar system, you need to know approximately how many sunshine hours their property receives.
There are several sunshine calculators available on the Internet, but the Keisan Sunshine Hours Calculator is one of the most accurate because it pinpoints your selection by Longitude and Latitude, thus giving you a very accurate look at the property’s average sunshine hours.
#3: Determine How Many Solar Panels Will Be Needed
The average single solar panel produces about 1.24 kWh per day. To determine how many the client will need, you need to divide their daily kWh usage by 1.24. So, if the client uses an average of 40 kWh per day, and they want a solar system that can meet 100 percent of their usage needs, then they will need at minimum 33 solar panels.
Of course, not all clients want their systems to cover 100 percent of their energy use. Some prefer their solar system to simply help offset their use, so their energy bills (and their solar system) aren’t quite as expensive. They may instead choose to have their systems cover 80 percent of their energy use. For the same home used in the above example, 80 percent of their daily use would be 32 kWh, which would require 26 solar panels.
Find Solar Clients in Your Service Area – Purchase Solar Leads from RGR Marketing
RGR Marketing can provide you with localized solar leads in your service area, so your sales team can start working on converting them into customers immediately. When you partner with RGR Marketing, you can rest assured knowing that your solar leads are exclusive to you, verified for accuracy, fully scalable, and easy to integrate into just about any lead management system. Customized by our proprietary lead-based matching technology, your leads are based on your unique target demographic, so you’re only pursuing leads that make sense for your business instead of wasting time and resources on leads that aren’t ideal for you. And best of all, we back everything up we do with our top-tier customer service.
Ready to get access to solar leads that will make a difference in your bottom line this year? Partner with the lead generation company that has more than 20 years’ experience serving the solar industry – RGR Marketing.
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