Direct Mail and Newsletter Marketing Are Still Vital Tools for Mortgage Professionals
Long ago, mortgage marketing involved a newsletter that you sent out every month to a list of physical addresses that grew longer and longer each year. But the Internet began, so you added a blog and switched your old newsletter over to email. Then social media happened, and you stepped up your content game on several platforms.
Somewhere along the way, you grew convinced that maybe that old newsletter was done. Between social media, content marketing, and a little targeted digital advertising, you had more than enough marketing reach. So, you dropped the newsletter and felt okay about it.
But even with printing and mailing costs, time spent maintaining a mailing list, and creating the content, your old mail newsletter may have been doing a lot more to advance your mortgage marketing reach than all of your social media and digital advertising put together.
Here, we take a look at the enduring power of good old direct mail newsletter marketing, and give you a couple tips on how to get back into the game with relative ease.
Mail Newsletters: Higher ROI Than You Might Think
One of the most powerful things about direct mail newsletter marketing is that it delivers a pretty terrific rate of return for a fairly minimal investment. According to research, direct marketing enjoys the third highest ROI of any marketing strategy, with a median rate of response of 29%. Social media enjoys a negligible edge with a median ROI of 30%, while email, with its almost non-existent costs, ranks first.
That’s right! Direct mail newsletter marketing has a higher return on investment than paid search, and a much higher ROI than online display in many cases. Additionally, direct mail newsletter marketing enjoys an incredibly robust response rate when compared to email and other marketing strategies.
Direct mail has an average response rate of over five percent, which compares favorably to email’s average click-through rate of two to three percent, and outright stomps email’s response rate of just over a half of a percent.
Doing Direct Mail Newsletter Marketing Right Going Forward
Direct mail newsletter marketing, when done correctly, should be an integrated part of a larger overarching strategy that includes all aspects of the digital marketing tools you’ve picked up since you may have abandoned direct mail.
Integrating direct mail into your digital marketing campaigns, especially through the time-honored tradition of a monthly or quarterly newsletter, can add value to your marketing efforts, while driving response rates across all of your campaigns. If you don’t have much of a direct mail address list to work with these days, there are ways to deal with that, as well.
Many mortgage companies offer mailing lists you can purchase, like lead lists, or else they will produce and distribute content on your behalf. Or, if you want to maximize your value, consider running a digital campaign to rebuild your direct mailing list. You can even include a giveaway of some sort to drive response, and help out your mortgage company’s marketing efforts in the process.
Looking for a faster way to build new leads and maximize the ROI of your sales team’s efforts in the mortgage business this year? Get in touch with RGR today, and buy high quality mortgage leads to keep your pipeline full of fresh leads.
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