Make Your Mortgage Business Visible Again
Looking at the same marketing materials over and over again, no matter how well designed or how relevant, can tire a consumer’s eyes to the point that your marketing becomes invisible way sooner than you want it to. This is why brand reboots and marketing material refreshes are so important.
Discover 8 easy ways to refresh your mortgage marketing efforts this year, and find new interest in your business without necessarily breaking the bank.
1 – Refresh or Rebuild Your Website
While there is no hard and fast rule on how frequently you need to refresh your website (the type of business you’re in and developments in your market should really be your guide), you will want to make sure that your current mortgage business website is looking fresh and will actually work when viewed with the latest round of mobile devices.
2 – Refresh Your Mortgage Company’s Social Media Presence
This is a mandatory activity several times per year. There is a tremendous amount of noise on social media at all times. Brands in the mortgage space that do not post regularly and revamp their page graphics and images with regularity do not get engaged with by the customers they want to appeal to and retain as brand advocates.
3 – Expand Your Social Media Presence
If you are currently keeping up with Twitter and Facebook, posting on a regular basis, and responding to your community’s questions and issues on a regular basis—that’s great. But you may find that the consumers you seek are more active on Instagram and Pinterest these days. Take the time to find your potential consumers and engage with them where they are.
4 – Get Into Native Advertising
Like a hybrid between content marketing and traditional advertising, native advertising involves placing ads that look like organic content on websites and blogs that your customers are already reading. Because the fight for engaged eyeballs has never been more serious, native advertising should definitely be a part of the overall marketing strategy for your mortgage business.
5 – Look Into Paid Search in the Mortgage Space
So much of the mortgage business involves the customer investigating potential service providers through search engines that bidding for keywords and paying to advertise within search engine results is no longer an option anymore.
6 – Leverage Your Former and Current Customers to Generate Referral Business
You are most likely already doing this, but if it’s been a while since you checked in with your former customers, then you may be missing a big opportunity to generate referrals and word of mouth recommendations. Remember, people trust recommendations from people they know above any type of earned or owned media, and the mortgage business is no exception.
7 – Get More Involved in Your Actual Community
With all the emphasis on digital marketing and social media these days, it can be easy to forget about (or to underestimate) the potential of having an active presence at community events, meeting your customers face to face, outside of the sales cycle, and supporting the local causes that they care about.
8 – Consider Professional Help
The old saying that he (or she) who has himself as an attorney has a fool for a client also applies to mortgage marketing. These days, marketing is far too complex a field to trust what you can learn and accomplish in your free time to get the entire job done. Money spent on having a specialist evaluate your current efforts and make some recommendations is generally money well spent. And if you’ve gotten big enough, it may be time to consider outsourcing or hiring fulltime marketing help.
This Could Be Your Best Year Yet in the Mortgage Industry
Customers do not, generally, just fall out of the sky, but you can attract them. You just need to stay on top of your mortgage marketing efforts in a way that places you in front of your competition while you cultivate community both online and in the real world. A marketing refresh is a great way to start.
And if you’re in a bigger hurry to get your sales team engaged and your pipeline full, RGR Marketing is here to help. Get in touch today and we’ll connect you with the highest quality mortgage leads for sale anywhere!
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