Putting Together Your Solar Sales Team? Read This First!
You’ve got your solar company’s strategic marketing plan in place, bought your advertisements, set up your social media channels, and you even wrote your first few blog posts. Congratulations – you’re officially in the game! Now all you need is the right solar sales team to implement that marketing plan, and you’ll be off to the races.
So what should you be looking for when building out your solar sales team? If you’re ready to start hiring and want to be sure you get just the right people to sell your solar energy solutions, here are six qualities to look for.
1. Modesty
This one may surprise you, but the best salespeople actually don’t have a lot of ego. They’re willing to put the company first and say and do whatever it takes to make the sale. They know it’s about the product they’re selling—the ability to harness solar energy—and not about them as individuals.
2. Confidence to Deliver Your Solar Pitch
The power company has provided most of the power for most of the homes in most of the world for most of the history of human-made power. Convincing someone to switch to something new may not be so easy, even if solar power is a better and more cost-effective solution.
A great solar salesperson needs to get past a potential client’s natural skepticism and stick with the pitch until they can get to the good parts.
3. Knowledge of Solar Energy and Products
For a lot of people, solar energy is a relatively new phenomenon, and they may not be 100% sure of how it works. Your salespeople need to be.
Solar energy systems are not something you can figure out intuitively, and trying to will probably turn off potential customers. You need to make sure your salespeople understand solar power solutions—how they work, and what all the benefits are to homeowners.
4. Friendliness—But Not TOO Much
It’s natural to think of salespeople as outgoing, friendly people, but the right salespeople are friendly without getting too familiar. You want your new solar clients to feel like part of your solar family, but until that happens, they’re a lead, not a friend.
Thinking of clients as friends may lead a salesperson to act in the best interests of the potential client before the best interests of the company. While these two should coincide most of the time, you want to know where your solar salesperson stands.
5. Adaptiveness
Today’s consumer can’t be sold to like consumers of the past once were. These are customers who have a virtually limitless wealth of information available to them online, and are used to just going to the Internet and buying whatever they want, rather than waiting for someone to tell them what to buy.
A good solar salesperson has to quickly devise the right approach to market to each potential client, without actually making them feel marketed to.
6. Passion
Whether you’re selling solar energy or tennis shoes, the best salespeople believe in the product and are passionate about it. It’s that passion that the salesperson communicates to the client to make the sale, and solar energy is no exception. If the salesperson doesn’t believe in what they are selling, the client is likely to sense it and you may struggle to lock down the solar sale.
When it comes to solar energy, there’s a lot to get excited about. It’s a revolutionary idea that can totally transform the world, making clean energy the norm and unsustainable fossil fuels a thing of the past. It also can save a homeowner a tremendous amount of money. If your salesperson can’t get excited about this, get rid of them, because you should not have any problem finding someone who will.
You may feel like your solar energy systems can sell themselves, but it can’t hurt to get a little help from a great sales team. Look for the qualities above to find them.
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