Contractors: Be Mindful of Your Client's Homeowners Insurance
Homeowners choose to have home renovations done for various reasons, from increasing the market values of their homes to just making their homes more comfortable and enjoyable to live in. But while it can be easy to get excited about the final result, what many renovation clients can sometimes lose sight of is how their home improvement project might impact their home insurance.
Since this thought rarely enters the mind of someone just wanting to improve their homes, it is often the responsibility of the contractor to inform the homeowner of this fact. After all, the last thing you want as a contractor is to perform a major renovation on a client’s home only to have their insurance premium go up and then get blamed for not letting them know. With word of mouth being one of your biggest lead generation avenues, this type of negative experience can have lasting effects.
So, if you’re trying to build your home improvement business and want to ensure your clients are satisfied, then educating them is an important step in the process. Here are six of the most common home renovation jobs that may impact your client’s home insurance.
#1: Installing a Swimming Pool
A swimming pool can dramatically increase a homeowner’s liability risk in the eyes of their insurance company, so your client should anticipate their rate going up after having one installed. The reason is because a swimming pool can be the cause for so many types of injuries and accidents, like slips and falls, diving accidents, and even drownings.
Swimming pools are considered “attractive nuisances” by insurance companies, so depending on where your client lives and who holds their policy, they may also be required to have a locking fence installed around the pool. Swimming pools are so high risk that there are some insurance companies that will even refuse to provide coverage if the pool has a diving board or slide.
#2: Building an Addition to the Home
Whether your client has adult children coming back home or they are bringing an aging parent into the home for more hands-on care, building an addition can expand the size of their home to accommodate the additional people. Because this can be such a major undertaking, there is a lot that can go wrong if the contractor doing the job does it poorly, so insurance companies will naturally want to raise the homeowner’s rate since their risk level will increase.
Plus, with the size of the home being increased, the home will require a higher level of dwelling coverage to ensure that the coverage is suitable for the home’s updated market value.
#3: Converting a Room Into a Home Office
More Americans than ever are working remotely thanks to changes brought on during the Covid-19 pandemic. So, more homeowners are looking to have unused rooms converted into home offices to help make working from home easier and more enjoyable. But adding a home office can cause your client’s home insurance to go up because the carrier will want to ensure the coverage is adequate enough to cover any business-related equipment and supplies in the event of theft or loss.
#4: Upgrading a Kitchen
Upgrading a kitchen is one of the best ways to make a home more beautiful and functional. As a result, this project can have a big impact on a home’s market value. As always, when a home’s value increases, so does the cost to replace it and this is why a client should expect their home insurance premium to go up after having their kitchen remodeled.
#5: Updating a Bathroom
Like updating a kitchen, a new bathroom raises a home’s value on the market, so your client can expect their home insurance rates to increase based on how much their new bathroom affects their home value.
#6: Finishing a Basement
If your client has a damp, unfinished basement that they want to have finished and converted into living space, then this will increase the value of the home simply because the amount of usable square footage will go up. As a result, the home insurance coverage amount will likewise need to be raised to cover the dwelling space and all the contents that will be going in it.
Convert More Leads with Purchased Home Improvement Leads from RGR Marketing
If you’re trying to build your home improvement business, then positive word of mouth referrals can take a while before they start pouring in. Until that happens, one of the most effective ways to build up your clientele list is to purchase home improvement leads from a reputable provider, like RGR Marketing.
At RGR Marketing, we know that your success not only depends on the quality of your work, but also on the quality of the leads that you’re trying to convert. That’s why we work with you to ensure that the leads you get are best positioned to help your team succeed. With over 20 years of experience helping contractors grow their businesses, we have the skills and expertise necessary to provide you with the leads you need to enjoy closing more sales.
Our leads are pre-scrubbed and verified for accuracy, so you won’t have to worry about wasting time and resources dealing with dead leads or being frustrated by things like duplicate leads, incorrect data, or incomplete contact information.
Contact RGR Marketing today and get better quality home improvement leads that can help your business grow.
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