How to Make the Sun Shine on Your Solar Business
If you’ve been following the news, then you know that solar energy is taking off in a big way. From concerned citizens to budget-conscious consumers, just about everyone seems to be interested in going solar.
But if your solar business is having trouble connecting with customers, you might be wondering why. If you’re like most small solar installers, then there are probably a few tweaks that could improve your marketing’s effectiveness and offer a better ROI.
Here are five ways that you can improve your solar installation business’s marketing strategy.
1) Make Connections
Social media is an excellent lead generation platform for any solar installation business, but it’s especially advantageous for smaller companies. The human connection is part of the appeal when engaging with a brand via social media, so your business’s social media presence should allow the personality of your team to shine through.
Post videos and blogs explaining the finer points of going solar. Share photos of excited customers in front of their shiny new solar panels. Have a contest to see who comes up with the best name for the company’s new mascot.
The possibilities to engage your audience are endless, and social media marketing offers an affordable way to spread the word about your business. Just be prepared to put in the necessary time, and don’t spread yourself too thin. Remember: it’s better to do a couple of social networks well than to do all of them poorly.
2) Offer Referral Bonuses
Word-of-mouth is one of the best types of marketing. If you’re providing excellent service, then you’re already benefiting from referrals. But why not sweeten the deal? People love to give their friends the inside scoop on great new products and brands, but there’s nothing like money to keep your business’s name on the tips of their tongues.
3) Find a Financing Partner
Solar leases and PPAs are all the rage in the solar industry. True, customers might not save as much in the long run, but we’re a nation of borrowers. We like anything that gets us new toys now that we can pay for later. While a new solar array isn’t a toy, it’s certainly a smart, shiny, and attractive addition to any home.
Financing arrangements like leases and PPAs these are part of the reason that your larger competitors are so successful. Who doesn’t like the idea of going solar with no money down?
If solar leases and PPAs are permitted in your market, then you may want to strongly consider finding a financing partner. If you don’t offer your customers a lease option, then someone else will.
4) Share Your Knowledge
If you’ve been in solar for a while, then you’ve probably forgotten more about solar energy than your clients will ever know. Don’t just keep all of that knowledge stacked on some dusty shelf in the back of your brain. Spread it around!
Solar might be old news to you, but to many of your potential customers, it’s a hot new game changer. By demystifying it for them, you’ll earn their trust. And when they finally decide that it’s time to stop forking their hard-earned bucks over to big power, yours will be the first number they call.
5) Purchase Quality Leads
Even if your marketing strategy is already dialed in and your solar installation business is relatively successful, you probably still wouldn’t pass on the chance to have more customers.
By choosing a trusted lead generation partner like RGR, you’ll be able to fill your prospect pipeline with high quality solar leads without devoting your valuable time to generating them. That way, you’ll be able to concentrate on what your business is all about: topping every home in your market with clean, green, money-saving solar panels.
[Photo via: Wikipedia]
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