Marketing Your Solar Business Effectively
These days, there are so many ways to market your business, and many of them were unimaginable not that long ago. You can do search marketing through Google, bolster your solar business’s brand image and engagement through social media, and create videos to show off your solar knowledge and winning personality.
Compared to some of the more recent marketing developments, email marketing seems downright quaint. But in reality, it’s still one of the most effective ways to market your solar business. Here are 5 easy ways to make your solar email marketing campaigns work better.
Get the Right Look for Your Solar Marketing
If you’re going to invest your valuable time in email marketing, then you might as well make sure your emails arrive in your prospects’ inboxes dressed to impress. This isn’t amateur night; you’re a professional, and your emails should reflect that. Try email newsletter marketing services such as MailChimp to give your email marketing efforts that pro-level sheen.
Segment Your Solar Email List
Most of your opt-ins have at least one thing in common; they’re interested in solar energy. But you’ll be better off if you segment your lists a bit. That way, you can offer content that's better tailored to each user’s experience. For example, you might consider creating separate segments for business and residential clients. You might also separate folks who live in colder parts of your market from those who live in hot areas.
Don’t go overboard with segmentation, but remember: the more personal your emails seem to the recipient, the better your results will be.
Don’t Be a Spammer
It may take some analysis and fine-tuning to figure out how often to send your emails. In particular, you’ll want to pay attention to how many emails it takes to convert your average prospect, and how many emails most recipients receive before clicking the “unsubscribe” button.
When those who unsubscribe are kind enough to fill out the opt-out questionnaire, pay attention to their answers. If they frequently mention getting too many emails, then you know you’re probably getting too close to spam territory.
Make It Worth Their While
In today’s world, most of us experience far more advertising than our brains are equipped to handle, so we’ve learned to tune it out. We mute commercials. We don’t even look at the upper right-hand corner of websites. We wait the 5 seconds and click “skip ad.”
If you don’t want your emails to end up in the trash folder, then you’ll have to give your clients a reason to actually read them. Engaging solar content is an excellent start, but consider also peppering your mailings with the occasional special offer or exclusive invitation. You don’t have to host a red-carpet gala to get their attention; start with a webinar or a free e-book that they’ll find useful and entertaining.
Tell Them What to Do!
It might sound bossy, but if you’re not putting a strong call to action in your emails, then you could be missing out on customers. Some of the prospects on your list aren’t ready to buy yet, but some of them are. Make it easy on them. Give them a clear path to living the solar power dream, and they’ll follow it when they’re ready.
Ready, Set, Send!
We hope these tips help you make the most of your next email marketing campaign. If your solar marketing campaign could use a bit more energy, why not consider buying high quality solar leads from a reputable solar leads company like RGR Marketing. We've got the best solar leads in the business! Keep spreading the good news about solar energy, and as always, best of luck to you.
[Photo Via: ArticlesBase]
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