Be Prepared to Answer Prospects' Questions About Roof Installations
Choosing a roofing contractor can be intimidating for some homeowners. This isn’t without cause, especially when you consider that the nightly news regularly features stories on shady contractors who walked away from unfinished jobs with their clients’ money. But as with any industry, legitimate roofing contractors are often punished for the crimes of corrupt contractors.
It is for this reason that your sales team needs to expect your prospects to ask several questions to help make them feel more confident and comfortable in choosing your company for their roofing projects. Here are the top ten questions your roof installation sales team should be prepared to answer.
#1: What is the Company’s Address?
One of the most telling signs that a roofing contractor might not be legit is them having a P.O. Box address. To help your prospects feel more comfortable, your sales team should be prepared to provide them with your complete business name and physical address. They should also provide them with a link to your Better Business Bureau page as well as your social media channels.
#2: Are You a Licensed Roofer?
Different states, and even some cities, have different licensing requirements for roofing contractors. So, this will be one of the most common questions your sales team will hear. They should be prepared to provide your prospects with your license information in your state, city, and county, including the name of the license-holder. They can even provide the prospect with the website of their local licensing offices for them to check that your roofer’s license is up-to-date and free of outstanding violations.
#3: Are You Insured?
There’s a lot that can go wrong with a roofing project, from mistakes to on-site injuries, so your prospects will most likely want to know if you’re insured and what type of insurance you have. Roofing contractors should have at a minimum workers’ compensation and liability insurance to protect the homeowner in the event of an accident.
#4: How Long Have You Been in Business?
Roofing companies that have been around for a few years are more trustworthy than those that haven’t been because having a history shows a prospect that you do quality work at a reasonable price. But every roofer has to start somewhere. If you’re a new roofing company, you can always provide your prospect with testimonials and customer references to help overcome this hurdle.
#5: Do You Offer a Warranty on Your Work?
Providing your clients with a warranty on your roofing work will help put their minds at ease. A standard roof warranty typically lasts for a year, but some roofing contractors offer longer warranties. Make sure your sales team knows to explain the difference between your warranty and the manufacturer’s warranty that comes included with the roofing materials.
#6: Do You Use Subcontractors?
This is a question that not every prospect will ask, but those who do their own due diligence will, so your sales team should always expect it. If you use subcontractors, your team should expect to provide their names, physical addresses, and license and insurance information.
#7: Do You Provide a Written Estimate?
Most roofing prospects will want to know if you provide written estimates on your jobs, so this is a common question that’s asked. After all, most homeowners want to compare the services and prices of three or more contractors before making their decisions, and those that don’t offer them could find themselves instantly removed from consideration. Therefore, if you do offer estimates then this is information that your sales team should be quick to share.
#8: How Will You Protect My Siding and Lawn While Working?
Roofing materials are very heavy and can easily ruin a yard or damage a home’s siding if proper care isn’t taken while the work is being performed. So, how your company can protect these parts of the property is something that most of your prospects are going to want to know before they hire you.
#9: What Steps Do You Take to Ensure the Work is Completed On Time?
A roofing job can face a variety of hurdles, from inclement weather to delayed material deliveries. But the client isn’t going to want to hear excuses if you can’t get their job done when promised. Your sales team should expect this question and be ready to provide an explanation of the steps you will take to ensure their work gets back on schedule should an unexpected delay occur.
#10: What Do You Do With the Removed Roofing Materials?
The last thing a homeowner wants is to have pieces of their old roof or dangerous roofing nails scattered around on the ground after your workers leave the job site. Your sales team should be able to explain what steps your company takes to ensure the job site is clean and safe once the work is completed.
Need Roofing Leads? Partner With RGR Marketing Today!
RGR Marketing has over 20 years of experience helping home improvement and roofing contractors grow their businesses by providing them with high quality, well informed leads. Partnering with RGR Marketing gives you exclusive access to roofing leads that have been pre-scrubbed and verified for accuracy. This helps ensure that your sales team can focus on making sales instead of wasting time and resources trying to connect with dead leads or being frustrated by things like duplicate leads, incorrect data, or incomplete contact information.
Contact RGR Marketing today and start working with better quality roofing leads. Our leads can help you enjoy a more profitable installation season.
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