10 Easy Ways to Get Mortgage Leads Flowing in the Winter
Summer is without a doubt the busiest season for mortgage professionals, but that doesn’t mean people don’t buy houses in the winter. In fact, winter is an excellent time of year to buy a house, especially for those buyers looking to nab a great deal on a home from eager sellers with little to no competition from other buyers.
If you think that changing the clocks with daylight savings time indicates it’s also time to hang up your lead generation efforts for the year, then you could be missing out on prospective transactions. If anything, now is the time to kick your winter marketing campaign into gear, so you can enjoy an active selling season that lasts all year long. Here are ten easy ways to boost your lead generation results in winter.
#1: Create a Special Holiday Newsletter
Newsletters are a proven effective way to increase your brand’s visibility. So, this holiday season, create a special holiday edition of your e-newsletter filled with seasonal content. Include a favorite family holiday recipe, winter home safety tips, a holiday photo of your team, and other content to help build trust with your audience. You can also write a blog post about why buying a home in winter is such a good idea and include a link to it in your newsletter.
#2: Sponsor Winter Community Events
If your community hosts seasonal events, like an annual production of the Nutcracker or the lighting of a Christmas tree, contact the organizer of the event and ask about being a sponsor. Your ad will be included in the event’s brochure and advertising materials, and you can include an exclusive discount code to help attract buyers.
#3: Send Out Holiday Cards Bearing Your Brand Logo and Website
Create a custom annual holiday greeting card and send it to everyone on your list. Make sure you include your brand logo and website information. You can also up the ante by including a magnet for their refrigerator or make the gift a calendar, so your brand will be in front of your prospects’ eyes all year long.
#4: Update Your Website
During spring and summer, a mortgage officer’s life is incredible busy and a lot of the “lesser” important tasks can get pushed to the wayside. So, when things start slowing down in winter, take this time to tackle those jobs, like updating your website (including your calls-to-action), so it more accurately reflects your business.
#5: Offer a Free Turkey or Ham
During the holidays, everybody appreciates something free. So, why not offer a free turkey or ham to anyone who comes into your office and gets approved for a mortgage?
#6: Sponsor a Coat Drive
Anytime you can align your brand with charitable works, it benefits your business. In the winter, a great way to get involved is to sponsor a coat drive to help those in need. You can even offer a special discount to anyone who donates a winter coat.
#7: Partner with Other Seasonal Services
In the winter, partner with other service providers who cater to the needs of homeowners in the colder months. This can include snow removal companies, landscapers, HVAC companies, tree trimmers, holiday light hanging companies, and more.
#8: Attend Networking Events
Winter is a great time to get to know other business owners in your community. Look for any upcoming networking events and plan to attend them. You never know where your next lead might come from.
#9: Create a Local Guide for Winter
As a local professional in the real estate business, you probably have a lot of insider information at your disposal. So, why not use it to your advantage? Create a local guide for winter and share information that your recipients will appreciate, such as where to find:
- The best coffee and hot chocolate in town
- The best place to take the family sledding
- The best cozy wine bar in the area
- The best local Christmas tree farms
- And more
#10: Organize and Clean Up Your Contact Lists
Now that you have a little more time on your hands, use it to really go through your leads and contacts. Clean it up by getting rid of all the bad data and organize it, so you can use it more efficiently. Look for leads that have gone cold and reach out to them again.
Need Winter Mortgage Leads? Get Them From RGR Marketing
RGR Marketing offers an easy and effective way to keep your mortgage business busy nurturing leads all winter long. We offer targeted, high-quality mortgage leads that have been scrubbed and verified for accuracy. With more than 20 years of experience serving professionals in the mortgage industry, we have the expertise you’re looking for from your purchased leads provider.
Our mortgage leads are fully scalable and easy to integrate into any current lead management system, so you can waste little time in pursuing prospects. Contact RGR Marketing today to discover the difference our leads will make for your success this winter season.
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