Are Your Lead Capture Landing Pages Optimized and Successful?
Here’s a situation that is all too familiar to many business owners:
The corporate website looks great. It’s professional, attractive, informative, and entertaining. There’s plenty of traffic, but for some strange reason, that traffic just isn’t turning into solid leads.
If the website is up to par, then that might not be the problem. Lackluster conversion rates are often the result of ineffective lead capture landing pages. So how can you turn a lead capture landing page that drives customers away into one that fills your pipeline with promising prospects? Keep reading to find out.
Who Are You Marketing To?
In order to optimize the effectiveness of your landing page, you’ll first need to zero in on your target market, and figure out exactly what you’re trying to get them to do.
Are you trying to reengage former clients who haven’t made any recent purchases? If so, your landing page should get them excited about new products and services that they may not have heard of.
Perhaps you’re marketing a new business, or trying to gain market share for an existing one. If that’s the case, then don’t give them the hard sell right off the bat. Instead, consider offering an E-course that they’ll value.
If you’re designing a landing page for the purpose of driving further engagement with existing leads, consider enticing them with relevant, useful newsletters, or special offers only available to those who sign up for your “insider’s club.”
Capturing Leads: What’s in It for Them?
We already know why you want a more effective lead capture system, but why should potential prospects give you their information? Unless they’re already sold, you’re going to have to give them something in return for their participation.
We’ve already talked about E-courses, special offers, and newsletters, but let’s get into a bit more detail about the types of content and rewards you can offer.
Well-written and entertaining E-books are an excellent way to pull in prospects, especially if your business operates in a field where there is a lot of public interest.
Podcasts can be a very enticing motivator for new prospects. Let’s say you own a financial services business. You could offer a weekly podcast offering moneymaking investment tips.
Product demos are another effective means of driving engagement. For example, a software vendor might pull in more leads by offering a free timed trial of its most popular cloud-based programs.
Special events can also be used to bolster conversion rates, and they don’t need to be costly. These days, a webinar with a knowledgeable expert at the helm qualifies as a special event. There’s no need to rent a space or to hire a catering company; interaction and engagement are the key components here.
These are just a sampling of the many ways you can use rewards to fill your sales pipeline with interested prospects. And you probably have plenty of ideas of your own. Go for it!
Too Much Information?
We’ve all experienced landing pages that seemed to be asking for an awful lot of our personal information, considering what they were offering in return. What do we do? Most of us click the back button.
When you’re creating your submission form, be careful not to ask for more information than you need. In many situations, an email address will suffice. If you’re asking for more, you had better have a good reason.
Trust Me
We’ve all had our trust violated by online marketers. We thought we were signing up for a newsletter, but we ended up getting spammed relentlessly by everyone our information was sold to.
If you want your customers to trust you with their information, then you’ll need to convince them that you’re worthy of that trust.
Impressive registration, sharing, and download counts can be quite persuasive, as can a display of the logos of prominent former clients. Testimonials can up your credibility factor, especially if they’re from credible and well-known sources. Security badges can also allay potential clients’ fears, and a strong anti-spam statement often works wonders.
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