Solar Sells Itself; You Have to Sell Your Solar Business
Solar energy basically sells itself. It’s affordable, it’s great for the environment, it lets us get closer to achieving energy independence, and it can help your customers save lots of money. Plus, it’s one of the coolest upgrades any homeowner can make.
Here’s the thing: most of your potential customers already know how great solar is. That’s why they’re in the market for a shiny, new solar array. And yes, there are still a few outliers who think solar is expensive or impractical, but for the most part, the general population is starting to “see the light.” So what else can you do to capture more business? What should be the priority in your marketing efforts?
Your Friendly Neighborhood Solar Installer
As you already know, the solar business is getting more competitive by the second. Wherever you operate, your potential clients likely have several solar choices in your region.
Selling the benefits of solar energy isn’t enough to make your solar business stand out anymore. You have to sell potential clients on the idea that your company is the one for them. To do that, you’ll need to create a unique and authentic brand; but even more importantly, you need to make a personal connection.
These days, building relationships with your clients is more important than ever. What better way to forge a strong personal connection than to tell the stories of the good people who make your solar business special?
The Human Connection
If you have a favorite television series, then you’ve probably felt a personal connection to the characters. You know their backstories. You’ve watched them overcome tough times and come out on top. You see a bit of yourself in them, and you root for their successes.
Give your solar prospects the chance to feel the same connection with you and your solar specialists.
On your website, make a page about your solar team. Tell your audience where each member is from, how they got into solar, and what they like to do in their spare time.
Better yet, create a series of short videos of your team members telling their stories. Ask questions like, “When was the moment you knew you wanted to be a part of the solar energy revolution?”; “What do you love about working for our solar company?”; and “What do you wish more people knew about going solar?”
If you don’t already have a blog for your solar business, make one. Ask your team members to appear as guest writers. And with smartphones, everyone has a great camera. Ask your installers to take selfies with happy new solar customers and share them to the company Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram page.
The Solar Evolution
Few industries have as strong a tie to such an important cause as solar energy has to sustainability. Solar is a technology poised to help us stem the tide of climate change. Your solar company is more than a business – it’s a piece of something bigger… a revolution.
And chances are good that most of your team members are involved with solar for a reason. Perhaps they had a moment of epiphany – a realization that it was possible to make a living doing something that would make the world a better place. Find a way to share their stories with your potential customers, and we’re pretty sure some of them will experience epiphanies of their own.
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