Getting Your Solar Business Ahead of the Competition
The past few years have been big ones for those in the solar energy business. Record numbers of private consumers and businesses have been opting for clean, green energy in the form of solar power. But for all its advantages, solar power should be gobbling up market share from the traditional utilities at an even faster rate.
After all, it’s environmentally beneficial, offers substantial long-term savings, and because of improvements in technology and various incentives and subsidies, it now pays for itself in fairly short order, especially if you live in a part of the country where sunshine is in ample supply.
If you’re like most solar entrepreneurs, the future looks very bright; it’s getting there that’s the challenging part. At RGR Marketing, we’re here to help you succeed, first and foremost by providing the highest quality solar leads available anywhere. Check out the following marketing techniques, and you may come across some new ideas that will help your solar business graduate to the big leagues.
Be Proactive When Marketing Your Solar Business
If you’re the type who has your roadmap to success all plotted out, then this tip won’t be much of a shocker to you. But if you’re the sort of business owner who tends to get things done in the 11th hour, then you may want to reconsider your “strategy,” if you can call it that.
Sure, you attend the conferences when you happen to receive an invitation, and you might take advantage of search marketing when Google sends you an irresistible Adwords credit, but beyond that, you’re basically reacting to your circumstances. The budget gets tight, so you know it’s time to do some marketing. The problem is that approaching marketing from a purely reactive position puts you at a real disadvantage.
Competition is fierce in the solar game, and as the market continues to heat up, it’s going to become more of a battle to whisk potential clients away from your voracious competitors. It’s war out there, and wars are not won by chance. Focus on creating a legitimate solar marketing strategy, complete with market research, competition assessments, your possible competitive advantages, and all the other key points. You’ll thank yourself later.
Become the Voice of Authority in Solar
In any business, potential clients want to work with the experts. After all, why put your faith in a novice when you can enlist the services of a tried-and-true authority. You may very well be an authority on solar power, but if none of your prospects know you are, then it’s not doing you much good in the marketing department. So, how do you go about building your reputation as a solar thought leader? You give your knowledge away for free, that’s how.
Show off your in-depth knowledge of all things solar in by creating a solar industry-related blog and regularly publishing articles that your potential clients will find entertaining and informative. Drive traffic to your gratis knowledge library via search and social media marketing. Offer to speak at solar energy conferences, and give demonstrations at home and garden shows. Pretty soon, your name will carry a level of authority that consumers will trust and competitors will envy.
If It Doesn’t Work for Your Solar Business, Stop Doing It
Too many solar energy providers waste money on marketing tactics that don’t work, simply because they don’t keep track of their results. It’s easy to get distracted from measuring your marketing ROI; after all, you’ve got plenty of other important tasks on your to-do list. But if you’re going to succeed in the solar business, you really do need to take stock of your marketing efforts, keep the ones that work, and jettison the techniques that are eating up your marketing budget without producing results.
Buy Solar Leads From a Reputable Provider
If you’re like most solar entrepreneurs, you’re doing your best to get the word out about your business. But sometimes, you need a little assistance. It takes time and money to establish the sort of marketing scope that solar businesses need to become truly successful. There is a simple, effective shortcut, though. You can purchase qualified solar leads from a reputable lead partner.
By enlisting the services of an established lead generation firm like RGR Marketing, you’re able to take advantage of their marketing reach, pulling in leads that you wouldn’t otherwise have access to.
Walk in Your Customer’s Shoes When It Comes to Selling Solar
If you really want to be able to sell solar effectively, then you need to look at it from your potential clients’ perspectives. At first glance, you might think solar energy’s central appeal lies within its environmentally friendly nature. That’s important to customers, but the number one reason they go solar tends to be for the cost savings. Environmental concerns are second, followed by energy independence, and ensuring a sustainable future for tomorrow’s citizens.
Of course, you probably already know that many of your clients go solar mainly for the dollars and sense of it. But here’s the thing: there are a lot of people out there who still think opting for solar energy is a costly and arduous process. You’ve got to show them how much financial sense your products make, or your competitors will. Consider that straightforward idea when planning your next solar marketing campaign.
[Photo Via: Dan Herr]
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